Many expert guides, tips and tricks to properly outfit your ship and away team to get the most out of your gameplay.

Completed Fed/KDF Tier 5 fleet holdings with all fleet equipment unlocked, including unique Fleet-variant ships, powerful Elite Fleet weapons, unique bridge officers and many other items to make your game more enjoyable.All working as one regardless of faction – seven Fleets, one common channel.The Klingon 44th Assault Squadron and 44th Honour Guard fleets.Five large Federation fleets – the 44th Fleet, 44th Delta Fleet, 44th Gamma Fleet, 44th Epsilon Fleet and 44th Temporal Vanguard.As one of the oldest and well established fleets in Star Trek Online, we offer – Note that for now we are PC only with no firm console presence.

Our group caters different playstyles, ranging from relaxed to hard-core, making it easy to fit in. Our goal is to provide a stress-free gaming environment where you actually play for fun and enjoyment, and are allowed to make mistakes without fear of getting trolled, and with the understanding that we all have real lives that requires flexibility from the fleet/guild when private circumstances take precedence. We welcome new players and veterans alike who are looking to play the game with a well-established group, making it an engaging and fun experience for everyone. We are a casual and mature fleet of trekkies, sci-fi fans, gamers and friends joined together into a helpful and amiable Star Trek Online community.